4 Gold Upper Body Exercises in the Home Gym


In today's fast-paced life, more and more people are focusing on health and body management. Upper body exercises are especially important because they are not only about our physique, but also about flexibility and strength for daily activities. In this article, we'll look at four golden moves that can be used in the home gym to build the upper body efficiently: the barbell rowing, the bench press, the pull-up and the push-up. The pull-up and bench press can't be done without the aid of a power cage.



  • Benefits of a Strong Upper Body
  • 4 Best Upper Body Exercises
  • Conclusion


Benefits of a Strong Upper Body

A strong upper body has a number of benefits for the individual. First, it is effective in increasing basal metabolic rate and promoting fat burning, which in turn maintains a healthy physique. Secondly, strong upper body muscles help maintain good posture and balance, preventing pain and injury caused by poor posture. In addition, in daily life and sports activities, a strong upper body can provide the necessary support and strength to enhance an individual's mobility and performance level. Therefore, strengthening the muscles of the upper body through scientific exercises is important for maintaining health and improving quality of life.


4 Best Upper Body Exercises

  • Barbell Rowing

First, stand in a wide stance, holding the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, with your arms naturally straight. Subsequently, slightly bent knees, and from the hips to bend the back, to ensure that throughout the action, the body and the ground to maintain a constant angle of about 45 degrees. Then, lift the barbell upward until it touches your upper abdomen. During this process, the back muscles should play a major role in providing sufficient pulling force. When the barbell is lifted to the upper abdomen, there should be a pause to feel the contraction of the back muscles. Then, control the rhythm of the movement and slowly lower the barbell to the starting position to complete a full barbell rowing movement.




  • Bench Press

To start the bench press, lie flat on the bench with the bar directly above your eyes or the bridge of your nose. Keep your feet close to your hips and firmly planted on the ground. Grab the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing inward, and arms straight. Lift the bar off the rack and lower it slowly towards your chest, breathing steadily. Control the speed and avoid going too fast. Pause briefly when the bar touches your chest, then push it back up until your arms are straight. Focus on breathing smoothly throughout the movement.




  • Push-Up

Start in a straight line, lying flat on the ground. Place your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, palms flat on the ground, and fingers facing forward. Keep your arms straight to support your body, with your feet together or slightly apart, toes on the ground. Inhale and prepare to move. Bend your arms to lower your chest toward the ground. Pause briefly when your chest is close to the floor, feeling the tension in your chest, shoulders, and arms. Exhale forcefully as you push your body back up, straightening your arms to return to the starting position.




  • Pull-Up

Begin by gripping the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hanging naturally with feet off the ground and arms straight. Pull the bar upward with both arms while engaging your core, lifting your head and chest until your chin clears the bar. Pause briefly at this position to fully contract the back muscles. Slowly lower your body by relaxing the back and upper limb muscles, returning to the starting position.





Through this article, we have gained insight into four golden upper body workout moves. These movements not only help to strengthen the upper body muscles and increase the basal metabolic rate, but also effectively prevent pain caused by poor posture and improve the performance level of daily life and sports activities.



Q: Are 4 exercises for upper body enough?

A: For most people, four exercises targeting different areas of the upper body can be sufficient for a balanced workout.


Q: What is the best order for upper body workouts?

A: Exercises for bigger muscles should come before exercises for smaller muscles.


Q: Is it OK to workout upper body every day?

A: It is generally not recommended to workout the upper body every day, as the muscles need time to recover and repair after intense exercise.





